Articles by KegelFIT

Kegel exercises: to whom, why, and most importantly - when?

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So, we dealt with the importance of the pelvic floor muscles in the last article. From there we know that they hold the bladder, rectum, uterus, prostate and other internal sexual organs located in the pelvis firmly in the right position and do not allow them to fall down and fall out. Therefore, you, as a strict boss, should not let your pelvic floor muscles relax in any way!
Why exactly Kegel exercises win the hearts of most imbilding enthusiasts is most likely because of their accessibility and simplicity. You can do them anywhere - in the office, after work, sitting on the couch at home, standing in public transportation, in the shower, lying down - anywhere. Kegel exercises can be practiced even by pregnant women (from the second trimester) and recently given birth. It is important to consult with your gynecologist before doing so.
In order for Kegel to confidently enter your life, you need to:

  1. Find the right muscles. 8 out of 10 people don't own their intimate muscles, so the easiest way to determine which ones you need to train is to stop urinating in the middle of the process. If you've succeeded, you've tensed exactly the right muscles.
  2. Once you know which muscles to work, you can perform Kegel exercises in any position. In 70% of cases it is more comfortable to do them lying down.
  3. You can do the exercises several times a day, on your own Kegel takes 3-4 minutes. But we strongly recommend performing the exercises in a complex: do a small physical workout from our application, add a Kegel complex to it, and you will almost immediately feel the difference in tone. The total time of the complex is only 15 minutes.
  4. Watch your technique. To get a good result, try to strain only the muscles of the pelvic floor, while the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, thighs and buttocks should not be strained. Do not hold your breath. Do not do Kegel exercises while urinating, as this can lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  5. The exercises should be regular.
Inside the exercise block you will find a detailed description of the technique and our recommendations.

An important question that concerns everyone at the beginning of the exercises - when will the result come? Kegel exercises are not a magic pill for all diseases, which means that you have to work for results. Just from 2-4 weeks, and you will start to notice how urinary problems go away, and the quality of sex improves.

Unfortunately, Kegel exercises are contraindicated in certain diagnoses. Therefore, we recommend that you consult a doctor beforehand. For women - with a gynecologist, for men - with an andrologist-urologist.
Download KegelFIT on Google Play or the App Store to boost your physical and sexual health - completely free!
2024-11-17 21:25 For men's For women's